Saturday, 10 October 2015

The Issue

  • Bullying as described by the Australian Human Rights Commission involves one or more people, with more perceived power than the victim, "repeatedly and intentionally using negative words and/or actions against you, which causes you distress and risks your wellbeing" (Australian Human Rights Commission, n.d.)
  • Cyberbullying is unique to bullying.  Cyberbullying involves modern technology, for example; the internet, mobile phones and social media. (Australian Human Rights Commission, n.d.)
  • Cyberbullying has the potential to access an infinite audience and is often anonymous, occurring at any hour. (Australian Human Rights Commission, n.d.)
  • Beyond Blue Organisation states that one in ten young people are affected by Cyberbullying every few weeks. 
  • Content of Cyberbullying can easily be forwarded and passed on instantly to the world online.
  • As information online is almost impossible to remove completely, Cyberbullying can have a long term, devastating impact on those involved.
  • Cyberbullying can lead to a vast array of undesired thoughts and feelings.  Some of the side effects of being a victim of Cyberbullying can include: -
    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Fear
    • Shame
    • Anger
    • Low self-esteem (Beyond Blue Ltd, n.d.)

1 comment:

  1. A very good summary of what is cyberbullying and the effect it can have on people. All links worked well and good research sources. Screen is user friendly.
